Little Guys

In between raptor and heron appreciation, we’ve been taking some time recently to enjoy the smaller dinosaurs. The main disadvantage is of course that they’re harder to spot and (especially) to photograph, so picture quality decreases with size. In reverse order, then:


75g. He mainly qualifies for this list on the grounds of unjust neglect rather than physical dimensions. How unjust that neglect is:


30g. Little symphonies in brown, with an unexpected ability to hover:

Blue Tit



10g. This one has built a very snug nest under a conveniently placed old fertiliser sack, which we’ll need to stake out over the next few weeks.


6g. (Or possibly a firecrest, but with a definite crest!)

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One Response to Little Guys

  1. Flora Alexander says:

    Very fine bluetit. And well done for getting the wren.
    Saw swallows today!

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