Scottish Signs

We started and finished in Edinburgh, which is clearly a city of Kultur:


Railways are always good value for comedy signs. Haymarket station must have a computer scientist in charge of its platform numbering:


While Scotrail are very considerate to those passengers with magnetic bottoms:


Sticking with the toilet theme, St Andrews University’s facilities are as socially inclusive as you might expect:


Sightseeing in the Cairngorms is strictly regulated too:

signscenic(This is a thoroughly frivolous comment on an actually quite worthy, albeit currently broken, project.)

There seems to be a recent tendency in the UK in particular for signage to err on the informal side:


St Michael’s Church in Linlithgow is also a bit chatty:


In Dunkeld and Linlithgow, I was clearly missing part of the story:

signorelse signbear

Bad English starts in Slovakia, and continues into Scotland:

weighting  substitute        antisocialsign

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