
Arctowski Station, on King George Island, is named after the Polish explorer, meteorologist, and inventor of the wind chill factor, Henryk Arctowski. It’s very Polish:


At the landing site, we found 100% of the flowering plants of Antarctica, though neither was yet in bloom: Antarctic hair grass, with (bottom left)  Antarctic pearlwort:


Apart from that, lichens are the most visible signs of life among the rocks: lichen

Animal life is more plentiful. Penguins, of course, and here we found two new species; the Adélie:

adelieportrait adelieportrait2eatingsnow

And the Chinstrap: chinstrapportrait

One Weddell Seal (named after a seal hunter) was at peace:

weddellThese spend most of their “land” time on ice rather than actual land, so we didn’t see very many.

And there were several reminders of the bad old days:



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One Response to Arctowski

  1. Flora Alexander says:

    I just love your penguin pictures.

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