New year, new home: we’re back in Bratislava for the next while. Our flat has a sofa big enough for the four of us, and comfy enough:
We’re in Dúbravka, in the northwest of the city, and near the outskirts. There are hills on both sides, full of paths which in the civilised Slovak fashion are neatly indicated with signposts and way-markers:
Temperatures are hovering around 0 at the moment, so the hills have just a dusting of snow.
On the other side of the hills towards the Danube is Devin castle (Austria in the background):
Bratislava castle sits in the middle of the town:
The tram goes from our street down the hill, through a tunnel underneath the castle, and stops a few hundred metres from the school. That’s nice!
Nice pictures, especially trees with snow decoration.
Cat is looking very comfortable.