Hopefully we’ll be in this one longer than the last one. It’s less spartan than Oman-home, which makes for more comfort and less extravagant shopping; on the other hand, not all the design choices are quite what we would have gone for ourselves.
Gold star for this choice though: a built-in wine rack. We’ve already made a modest start on filling it:
The kitchen is also fine: just about enough space, and lots of cupboards to hide things away in:
The bedcovers are perhaps slightly too vivid:
A bit of the view: 14th floor (yay), lots of green for now (yay), but what isn’t green is construction work (less yay).
Just off the picture is a huge (by poky British standards) widescreen LCD HD TV (OK), though the signals are ordinary non-HD ones, which therefore look even fuzzier than on a normal TV. There’s BBC news, plus lots of educational Vietnamese game shows. The silver carpet is an interesting touch:
Piece de resistance is the remote controlled dryer: manipulating the remote sends it up and down, and turns on and off the fan and built-in lights. Ladies and gents, a symbol of the modern world for your contemplation:
Certainly looks more comfortable and convenient than the previous abode.