Morava Meadow

The meadow by the Morava river has been busy over the last few weeks. Of course the storks are the stars; we first saw them on eggs on April 3rd; by 16th May the chicks had hatched, and they’ve been expanding ever since. They should leave the nest about two months after hatching, so perhaps in the next week or two.

By last week, they were big enough to be left on their own:


We saw a splendidly grisly feeding session:


Afterwards the parent filled up with water:


and supplied the drinks:


As an adjunct to feeding, of course, the chicks need to learn correct positioning of the curpin:


Last week also saw much wing-stretching:


By this weekend, things were getting crowded:



Only once the mother had left could the biggest chick really stretch:


Some very active flapping meant he could just about lift off:


The parents continue to come and go:


Other residents of the meadow on display this week included the great spotted woodpecker, buzzards, a group of five kestrels:

landedkestrel flyingkestrel

And a black stork, who had a look round, then headed back over the river to Austria: blackstork

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One Response to Morava Meadow

  1. Flora Alexander says:

    Great photos – thanks for the update.

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