曲江二首 (一)

qū jiāng èr shǒu (yī)

yī piàn huā fēi jiǎn què chūn
fēng piāo wàn diǎn zhèng chóu rén
qiě kàn yù jìn huā jīng yǎn
mò yàn shāng duō jiǔ rù chún
jiāng shàng xiǎo táng cháo fěi cuì
huā biān gāo zhǒng wò qí lín
xì tuī wù lǐ xū xíng lè
hé yòng fú míng bàn cǐ shēn
One petal blossom fly reduce but spring
Wind flutter ten thousand points now sorrow person
Now watch soon exhaust flower pass eyes
Not satisfied much wine enter lip
River on little hall nest halcyon bird
Decorative border high tomb lie unicorn
Careful investigate natural law must seek joy
What use undeserved reputation trip up this body
Each piece of flying blossom leaves spring the less,
I grieve as myriad points float in the wind.
I watch the last ones move before my eyes,
And cannot have enough wine pass my lips.
Kingfishers nest by the little hall on the river,
Unicorns lie at the high tomb's enclosure.
Having studied the world, one must seek joy,
For what use is the trap of passing honour?