Two Verses on the Yellow River
Du Fu

Yellow river north bank sea west army
Hammer drum sound bell heaven under hear
Iron horse great cry not know number
Hu people tall nosed move great numbers

Yellow river west bank be my Shu
Wish must supply home without millet
Wish expel common people respect king
Equal one chariot book abandon gold jade
On the north bank of the Yellow River, west of the sea, is an army,
Hammered drums and sounded bells are heard beneath the sky.
The armoured horses cry out loud, I cannot tell their number,
The high-nosed tribe of Hu are moving in great numbers.

On the western bank of the Yellow River lies my own Sichuan,
It is my wish and duty to provide for my home, without millet.
I wish I could expel the horde in honour of my king,
And for one book or chariot I'd abandon gold and jade.

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