
Mandarintools Mandarintools is the easiest to use of those dictionaries which display the results as images. It also offers GB, Big5 and Unicode output and a range of other Chinese language and computing services. Highly recommended.
Chinalanguage Less easy to use, although with more attractive characters, the chinalanguage dictionary is a good alternative if mandarintools don't have what you are looking for.
Chinese Literature Directories
ODP Includes general surveys and resources, as well as categories on poetry, Sun Tzu, the Classics, modern literature and novels.
Yahoo Covering general resources, electronic literature and magazines.
Chinese Literature Sites
China the Beautiful Covers a range of aspects of the arts in China, but it is particularly strong on literature. The best poetry coverage is in Big5 code, but some is also available displayed as images and in English translation. Includes the complete 300 Tang poems, as well as other texts, displayed as images, although they are hard to navigate without a good knowledge of Chinese. Each poem is linked to its translation at the Chinese Text Initiative, which provides Big5 texts. Other services include message boards and a pinyin chat room.
Asian Topics: Tang Poetry Articles on various aspects of the genre, including its forms and its relationship to everyday life, plus information on Du Fu, Li Bo and Wang Wei.
Poesia Xinesa Catalan versions of poems by Wang Wei, Du Fu and Li Bai.
Chinese Poetry Database English translations of Chinese poems by various authors.
Li Po English translations, including some by Ezra Pound.
Novasino's Page Tang poems, Confucius and commentary in GB code.
Chinese Poetry English translations of poems by various authors, including Wang Wei, Du Fu and Li Bai.
Ti Fa-Kuan A beautifully designed site with German translations of Chinese poems.
Forums Includes a series of discussion boards and the one and only pinyin chat room.
Chinese Language and Culture Forums Discussion of learning Chinese and all topics related to China's culture and heritage.

Thanks to Qin Shan Lian, Chen Kai Li, Zhang Yi Fei, Yu Fang, Zhang Jin, Shi Aiwei, Fang Baohua and Fan Wei for Chinese and translation help.
