秋興八首 (六)

qiū xìng bā shǒu (liù)
Qú táng xiá kǒu qū jiāng tóu
wàn lǐ fēng yān jiē sù qiū
huā è jiá chéng tōng yù qì
fú róng xiǎo yuàn rù biān chóu
zhū lián xiù zhù wéi huáng hè
jǐn lǎn yá qiáng qǐ bái ōu
huí shǒu kě líng gē wǔ dì
qín zhōng zì gǔ dì wáng zhōu
Qutang gorge mouth bend river bank
10,000 li wind mist join pale autumn
Calyx secret wall through imperial energy
Lotus little park enter border sorrow
Pearl curtain embroider pillar surround yellow crane
Brocade hawser ivory mast rise white gull
Turn head can regret sing dance place
Qin middle from old emperor place
The mouth of the Qutang Gorge, the bank of the Bending River,
Ten thousand miles of wind and mist join them in pale autumn.
Through Calyx Hall's hidden passage the imperial aura passed,
Now the little Lotus Park is filled with border sorrows.
Pearls on curtains, embroidery on pillars, around the yellow cranes,
From brocade hawsers and ivory masts rise the white gulls.
I turn my head, sad now for the place of song and dance,
Qin has been since olden days the land of emperors.