No Man’s Land

The area around Ibra is a mix of mountains and gravelly plain; perhaps technically a desert, but not Lawrence of Arabia stuff.   Not too far away, however, are the Sharqiya sands, which look like this:

Dune sea


It’s not all Zen though; the main dirty but fun attraction of the area is dune bashing, which involves taking out your insecurities on an inoffensive patch of sand (fortunately only a small part of the whole area):

Dune bashing

Healthier all round is a trip by camel:

On board

I can never quite decide whether camels look absurd or wise; take your pick:



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3 Responses to No Man’s Land

  1. flora alexander says:

    Great camel photos! Made me laugh.

  2. Annegrete says:

    Book-marked, I love your blog! 🙂

  3. jane says:

    I’m going for absurd.

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